
affected layer中文什么意思

发音:   用"affected layer"造句
  • 加工变质层
  • 损伤层
  • 影响层
  • affected:    adj. 1.装模作样的,做作的。 2.觉得…的。 短语 ...
  • layer:    n. 1.放置者,铺设者,计划者。 2.【赛马】(一般) ...
  • affected:    adj. 1.受了影响的,感染了的。 2.感动的。 the affected part 患部。 adj. 1.装模作样的,做作的。 2.觉得…的。 His manners are affected. 他的态度不自然。 How is he affected towards us 他觉得我们怎么样? ill affected (to) 对…不友好的。 well affected (to) 对…怀好意的。 affected airs 装模作样。 affected laugh 装笑,假笑。 adv. -ly 装模作样地,不自然地。
  • as affected by:    受...影响
  • be affected with:    患有…疾病
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  1. It is common considered that the more the half width is high , the more its hardness is based on the fact that the half high width of the shot peening affected layer in hard state decreases many scholars engaged in investigation of shot peening technology proposed that the shot peening affected layer is work softened




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  7. affected manners 什么意思
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  9. affected part 什么意思
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